Friendship plays an important role in everyone's life. 'Friendship Day' is celebrated on the first Sunday of August every year with the intention to make this friendship and realize the friendship of your special friends. The first Sunday of August this year is on August 6 and on this day, Friendship Day will be celebrated. On this day friends give each other gifts, chocolates, greeting cards, and express their friendship.

First Friendship Day was celebrated abroad, but due to the increasing trend of social media, India has been becoming Friendship Popular for a few years. On this day, friends also make friends band with their special friends in their hands. For the last few years, India has got a lot of Friendship Day in the younger generation. It is also important to express friendship in order to maintain your friendship.

The way to celebrate Friendship Day is also different. Some make plans for the movie, then some friends go out of the way to go somewhere. Not only this, many friends in the club within the cities of India can be seen together and making fun. Due to Sunday, too many shops can be seen for shopping on this day.

friends of friends are often dedicated to socializing on Friendship Day. By tagging your friends, you share some special things for them, your heart's love stories or special memories associated with them. For any friendship, even a shayar has said that .. a